Thursday, March 11, 2010

 Hubble's Deep Field

No one really knows how many billions of galaxies nor stars there are .  This picture was taken by Hubble's Telescope when it pointed at the darkest part of the sky for a 10 day period.  Over 3000 galaxies are in this picture, and each galaxy may have hundreds of billions of stars.

Facts about the Milky Way

Facts  about the Milky Way
Diameter 100,000 light years
Thickness 1,000 light years
Number of Stars 100 - 400 billion
Oldest Star 13.2 billions years
(Light Year - 186,000 miles per second)


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Planet sizes

How big or how small is the earth? Look at the comparative pictures of the planets and stars to put things in perspective.


Does anyone know who created the above images?  I have seen them floating around the web, but can't find the creator.  I would love to give credit to the person who was able to create these models.  It makes it possible to visually understand how magnificent and huge the universe actually is.